Sunday, March 6, 2011

I made It!!

O yes, i am here in Novisibirsk and i made it all the way! i guess i will start off with my trip because its been a LONG 2 days! ok so first of all...i left the MTC 5 monday morning and i didnt arrive in novosibirsk untill 5
  this morning.... i got on a flight to new york and then straight to moscow after that... that flight went really well.. it as so funny.. the second I was checking into my flight for moscow... I had these overwhelming feelings
  like "ok... you can go now if you want.. you dont have to go to moscow if you are going to leave do it now... you are crazy what are you doing.. you cant even understand anyone... " haha but then again i had the same feelings like "this is the best thing you could be doing right now, you get on that plane and have the best mission of your life... you will do great... this is what the lord wants..." so it was 2 very mixing emotions... well i got on that flight and i sat down and was laughing and crying.. crying at the fact that i wuould be in russia living.. for the next 15 month, and then laughing  because i didnt understand a word anyone was saying to be.. this guy was talking to me on the flight and i just kept saying da and sorry... hahah he
  was like dying laughing.. finally i said in russian... "i dont understand"haha it was comical... well the 10 hour flight went well and i landed and a missionary elder lady sister Budd and a lady sister stapley who her husnband workds for the church came and picked me up and we got in the car to go to moscow to get a second passport... ok.. let me just tell you that russian drivers are crazy... it doesnt help that i get car sick too and the two  ladies i was sitting in between wouldnt stop talking which is fine but at this point, we were in a car for 2 1/2 hours and i was getting car sick and then BAM.. our driver hits someone... haha luckily they just walked away from it but it was then another 2 hours to the embassy cause of traffic and  i was about the ralph... but after hours of almost hitting multiple cars and wall.. we made it to the embassy, i got a second passport and then we went to lunch. The women took me to an american restaurant so it was really
  good... then back in the crazy car again and this time back to sister stapleys house where i got t call you mom and then i slept woke up and back in the crazy car again... thinking i could possibly die at this point (not
  really but it was kinda scary haha) and then off to my flight to novosibirsk... ok so i get to the airport and i got there like 5 hours early so i checked in payed for my baggage and was just sitting in the terminal...
  scared and tired and about ready to cry when i heard a man speaking english with hs little girl.. he then turned around and saw my scriptures and was  like "that looks like a quad" i then showed him my nametage and he was like " a sister missionary!" i about started crying because i felt like there was a little piece of home there... him and his wife actually work in novosibirsk and are memebers of the church and they were flying with me.. so from then on they helped me and we actually got picked up together... so we landed and 2 missionaries and president trejo were there to pick me up this morning... and he said "sister west... we usually have you come to our home and sleep and get ready but i have a conference so we cant so you are going
  to jump right into your companionship.. so here i am, i am in novisibirk on the west bank i believe is  waht they say... and i cant say my companions name so i would butcher it but i am pretty sure i will be able to tell you next week... haha and they let me shower and sleep and i guess we are going to a beach today for p day... i am still with another sister, sister clark who was at the MTC with me she just left 6 weeks before me... so she has been here to help me out but with leave to her area today... so ya.... thats about all thats going on! i cant believe i am actually here.. i am in russia... living for a long time.. i still feel like i am dreaming but it
  will be great! oh! hahahaha i totally biffed it sooooo hard today and completely banged up my other knee... i know that i will be falling a ton more because i almost fell walking in here too.. its going to be very
  interesting...i get to go shopping today for boots and a jacket and i am excited.. its about -10 here ... so kinda cold not that bad though!haha it will start warming up... other than that next weeks email should be better!!! you can all send me emails! that would be great!!!
Anyway... keep me updated on everything thats going on!! love you sooo much.

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